Pottery items:
We offer a wide range of pottery pieces that cost as little as $10 up to $75. Most mugs, plates, bowls and fun, kid-friendly items are in the $16 to $25 range. The pottery price includes all painting, glazing and firing fees
Studio fee:
We do not have a studio fee. Relax, take as much time as you need to complete one or several pottery items during your visit. If you need more than one visit to complete your pieces, there is no additional fee for a second visit.
Group pricing: Each painter receives $2 off the cost of their item
Pick Up: Items will be fired and then ready for pick up in about a week. Let me know if you wish to pick up your own items. Otherwise, I or someone else from LCA will pick up your items and bring them to the next Class Day.
Limit: 40 on each date
Attendance: Ceramic Café will staff employees to accommodate the size of our group. Unless you have an illness or emergency, we will see you there. Your online registration is your 100% commitment to attend the field trip. Thank you for respecting the venue and keeping a good reputation for LCA.
Schedule: Show up on time, paint pottery, have fun!
Food: You are welcome to bring in food and drinks!
Please watch your children. No child should be climbing tables, running around, etc. Thanks!
Parent! If you are unable to attend the field trip, you are welcome to make arrangements for a grandparent or another LCA parent to act as chaperone for your child(ren). Your student doesn’t have to miss out because you cannot attend! Let’s help each other out so the maximum number of students can have the field trip experience!
Waiver: Your family must have a signed Field Trip Waiver on file. One waiver covers the entire school year. Include anyone in your family (parent, grandparent, student) who might attend a field trip during the school year.
Deadline: Deadline to register for Ceramic I (2/1) is January 21. Deadline to register for Ceramic II (2/15) is January 28.
Registration: When registering, be sure to FULLY complete the registration and wait for the next screen that reads “Thank you for registering for this event…..”. If you do not see this screen, you are not registered!
Attire: It’s paint. Enough said.
NOTE: It is impossible to predict every scenario that may or may not happen while on a field trip. THANK YOU in advance for being patient, flexible and gracious. God bless!
LCA family conduct while on FTs must be above reproach
. Not only are we representing LCA in public, but we are also witnesses for Christ to a non-believing world.
Questions? Check the information above, the venue’s website, and the LCA Field Trip Guidelines. Still have questions? Email Miriam, lcafieldtrips@gmail.com
See you there! -Miriam