Tuition FAQs

When is the enrollment fee due?

Enrollment fees are non-refundable and due at the time of enrollment to hold your family’s space.

When is the annual payment due?

Annual tuition is due July 15th to receive the 5% discount. 

How is monthly tuition paid?

Monthly tuition is the annual amount (without the 5% discount) spread over ten months, August-May.  Monthly tuition is due on the 1st of each month.  A $15.00 late fee will be applied if tuition is not paid by the 15th of each month. Payments can be made online or sent by check to the office.

What is the tuition used for?

Class Day materials and supplies, maintenance of LCA equipment, program implementation and development (current and future), incidental expenses of facility use, cost sharing for special events, computer software and hardware, server space for data collection and records, website development and maintenance, administration and record management, office materials and supplies, etc.