Field Trip: Ibis Bakery “tour” (a hands on experience and demonstration)
Address: 12817 W. 87th St Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66215
Location: Inside Black Dog Coffeehouse
Date: Friday, March 2, 2018
Time: Tour One at 11:30am, then a “break” from 12-1, and Tour Two at 1:00pm (see schedule explanation below)
Length: The demonstration is 30 minutes.
Ages: All ages (see schedule explanation below)
Cost: Free. However, you are encouraged to show your appreciation and support the business with a purchase while you are there.
Limit: Each tour is limited to 15 students (this limit does not include infants that will be held by a parent.)
There is no parent limit.
11:30am: Tour One. This experience will be geared toward students age 6 and younger.
12:00pm – 1:00pm: “Break”. Regardless of which tour you attend, you are encouraged to come during the Break to make a purchase from Black Dog and spend time with fellow Legacy families. Items available for purchase include coffee, bread, pastries, and breakfast and/or lunch.
1:00pm: Tour Two. This experience will be geared toward students age 7 and older.
Note: It is entirely up to you as a parent to decide which tour to attend. If you have mostly younger children, register for Tour One. If you have mostly older children, attend Tour Two. Whatever you decide is totally fine!
From the Bakery: Our “tour” will be a hands on experience/demonstration, and each student will go home with a sourdough starter.
Parent! If you are unable to attend the field trip, you are welcome to make arrangements for a grandparent or another LCA parent to act as chaperone for your child(ren). Your student doesn’t have to miss out because you cannot attend! Let’s help each other out so the maximum number of students can have the field trip experience!
Waiver: Your family must have a signed Field Trip Waiver on file. One waiver covers the entire school year. Include anyone in your family (parent, grandparent, student) who might attend a field trip during the school year.
Deadline: The deadline to register to visit Ibis Bakery is FEBRUARY 19, 2018.
Final Details for the field trip will be emailed approximately one week before the trip.
Commitment: Your online registration is your 100% commitment to attend the field trip. Venues staff according to the number of people we tell them are coming. Thank you for respecting the venue and helping maintain LCA’s good reputation in the community. Unless you have an illness or emergency, we will see you there!
Questions? See the above information, the venue’s website, and the LCA Field Trip Guidelines. Still have questions? Email Miriam,lcafieldtrips@gmail.com