Field Trip: Lanesfield Historic Site living history school day.
Location: Lanesfield Historic Site
Description: In this immersive program, students experience a day in the life of a child attending a one-room school. Activities, terms, and maps will be taken from the year 1904.
Date: Thursday, May 9th, 2019
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Length: Approximately 4 to 4 and 1/2 hours
Ages: 2nd grade – 8th grade. No exceptions.
Cost: Students: $7.00
Parents: Free
Student Limit: 25
Parent Limit: A total of 5 chaperones are needed. All other parents are required to leave their children at the schoolhouse and return at the end of the school day (approximately 1:00pm) to pick them up. Please indicate in the registration if you are interested in being a chaperone. Parents will be assigned as 8th graders and required to participate! Better practice your spelling…………
Prep work: Students will have optional recommended prep work to complete before the trip. It is not mandatory, but will help make the experience more fun! Materials will be provided prior the FT.
*If your child would prefer not to be called on in class or read aloud. Please note that in the comment section on the registration form.
Attire: Students have the option of attending in period clothing.
Lunch pails: Each student (and parent) is strongly encouraged to make a pail to bring lunch. Directions and suggestions will be provided prior the FT. Let’s make it our goal for everyone in our group to participate in this!
Waiver: Your family must have a signed Field Trip Waiver on file. One waiver covers the entire school year. Include anyone in your family (parent, grandparent, student) who might attend a field trip during the school year.
Deadline: Deadline to register AND pay for the Lanesfield Field Trip is April 16th, 2019. If your payment for a field trip is not received by the due date, your name will be removed from the registration list. No exceptions.
Final Details for the field trip will be emailed approximately one week before the trip.
Commitment: Your online registration is your 100% commitment to attend the field trip. Venues staff according to the number of people we tell them are coming. Thank you for respecting the venue and helping maintain LCA’s good reputation in the community. Unless you have an illness or emergency, we will see you there!