Field Trip: Powell Gardens
Address: 1609 NW US Hwy 50, Kingsville, MO 64061
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018
Ages: all ages welcome
Cost: Adults, $10
Students age 5+, $4.00
Age 4 and under, free
Time: Our group is scheduled to be at the gardens from 10am-2pm.
Arrival: We must enter together as a group. Please park and meet outside the front entrance no later than 9:50am. Please do not be late! Thank you for respecting the venue as well as the valuable time of your fellow LCA families, and keeping a good reputation for LCA in the community by being punctual. Allow plenty of extra time for traffic, parking, etc.
Parking: free
Lunch: You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch. Please bring it inside upon arrival. Lunches and coolers can be left in a private room in the Visitor Education Center. You are welcome to eat in any of the designated picnic areas in the park. Please do not eat under the barn easement or inside of the visitor’s center. There is also a cafe on site, open 11-2.
Alternate chaperone: Parent – if you are unable to attend the field trip, you are welcome to make arrangements for a grandparent or another LCA parent to act as chaperone for your child(ren). Please include this information when registering for the field trip.
Waiver: Your family must have a signed Field Trip Waiver on file. One waiver covers the entire school year. Include anyone in your family (student, parent, grandparent) who might attend a field trip during the school year.
Deadline: The deadline for the Powell Gardens field trip is September 10, 2018. No exceptions. If your payment is not received by the deadline, your name will be removed from the registration list.
Registration: When registering, be sure to FULLY complete the registration. Once you’ve clicked the “submit” button, wait for the screen that reads “Thank you for registering for the LCA field trip…..”. If you don’t see this screen, you are not registered! Don’t forget to mark the field trip ON YOUR CALENDAR so you do not forget!
COMMITMENT: Your online registration is you 100% COMMITMENT to attend the field trip. Venues staff according to the number of people we tell them are coming. Thank you for respecting the venue and helping to maintain LCA’s good reputation the community! Unless you have an illness or emergency, we will see you there.
Schedule: Other than our start time, there is no set schedule. Just enjoy the gardens with your fellow LCA families!
Tickets: You do not need individual tickets for entry.
Photography: Allowed
Attire: Closed toe shoes are preferred. Come prepared with umbrella / jackets for rain.
CONDUCT: Parents are responsible for their children (regardless of age) AT ALL TIMES. No students should be left anywhere unattended! LCA family conduct while on FTs must be above reproach. Not only are we representing LCA in public, but we are also witnesses for Christ to a non-believing world.
From Powell Gardens: The role of a chaperone is to ensure that groups display proper etiquette and respect the gardens while on property AT ALL TIMES. Powell Gardens reserves the right to dismiss any group or guest who cannot follow garden etiquette or is being unruly, disruptive, or disrespectful. Please do not run or yell. Please share with students (and help enforce) the following garden guidelines:
- Gardens are for looking and enjoying – please do not pick or collect plants unless INSTRUCTED by a tour guide or staff member.
- Safety comes first – please walk, don’t run, wherever you go.
- Respect our plant life by staying on paths and out of garden beds at all times. Even areas which appear to be bare may have newly planted seeds. Groups are welcome to visit the Gift Shop in the Visitor Education Center, but only allow five students at a time with one chaperone.
- Chaperones must ensure students access the stairs at the silo area safely.
NOTE: It is impossible to predict every scenario that may or may not happen while on a field trip. THANK YOU for being patient, flexible, and gracious! God bless!
Questions? Check the information above, the venue’s website, and the LCA Field Trip Guidelines. Still have questions? Email Miriam, lcafieldtrips@gmail.com.
See you there! –Miriam