Kansas State Capitol
8th Avenue between Harrison and Van Buren
Topeka KS 66612
Thursday, February 6th, 2025
Events for the day:
9:45 Arrive at 2nd floor Rotunda to get nametags and floor assignments for helping at 10:00
10:00 Help take treat bags and homeschool information to legislators
11:00 Options:
Capitol Tour #1 (choose an option)
Attend House session (if in session; seating is first-come, first-serve)
11:30 Senator Adam Thomas speaking about government process in KS (seating limited)
12:00 Visit your own legislators (make appointment in advance; can happen anytime during field trip)
12:15 Dome tour #1 (choose option)
12:20 Hear homeschool choir in 2nd floor Rotunda
1:00 Options:
Hear Original Underground Homeschooler Israel Wayne (church right next to Capitol)
Capitol Tour #2 (choose an option)
2:00 Capitol Tour #3 (choose an option)
2:15 Dome tour #2 (choose an option)
2:30 Attend Senate session (if in session; seating is first-come, first-serve)
Building a positive relationship with our state legislators will help keep homeschool freedom thriving in Kansas! Meeting up for Homeschool Capitol Day provides the encouraging presence of other homeschool families as well as many firsthand educational experiences!