Arrrrgh matey! If your students have never been exposed to opera, this is a great place to start!! (And yes, it’s in English
The Pirates of Penzance
KC Lyric Opera
Kauffman Center for Performing Arts
1601 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64108
Thursday, April 20, 2017
6:00pm (We will meet earlier!)
Length: 2.5 – 3 hours, with intermission.
This student performance is the company’s Dress Rehearsal.
Ages: KC Lyric Opera offers this dress rehearsal performance to students Grade 3 and up.
Cost: $5.50 (that’s an amazing price, folks)
Limit of 2 adults per family group
Parking: $8.00 in the garage. There is also some free on-street parking.
There are 50 tickets available for this field trip.
From KC Lyric Opera website:
Gilbert and Sullivan’s cheeky and charming operetta abounds with pirates, maidens and a Major General with the true gift of gab. Featuring hyperkinetic lyrics, madly colorful sets and a bevy of bungling bobbies, this production promises to be an evening of pure fun. Young Frederic, instantly smitten by the lovely Mabel but beholden to a Pirate King, and beleaguered by the Major General, must fulfill his sense of duty while staying true to his love. Sound complicated? That’s because only in The Pirates of Penzance will you hear the words ‘’lot o’ news’’ rhymed with “hypotenuse.’’
Want more information about Pirates of Penzance?
Parent: If you are unable to attend you are welcome to arrange for another LCA family adult (parent/grandparent) to act as chaperone for your student.
Deadline to register AND pay is Wednesday, March 15, 2017. If your payment is not received by the deadline your name will be removed from the registration list.
Please remember! Your online registration is your 100% commitment to pay for and attend the field trip. Unless you have an illness or emergency, we look forward to seeing you there!
Last details will be emailed approximately one week before the field trip.
Questions? Check the above information, the venue’s website, and the LCA Field Trip Guidelines. Still have questions? Email Miriam,
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